
ISO 27001

ISO27001 implementation is a complex, but essential undertaking for those who want to manage risk and regulatory demands. With Abattis Consulting’s cutting – edge consulting framework, we make it a breeze.

ISO27001 is the international standard for information security management. It provides a framework and guidance for establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving an organization’s information security management system.

ISO27001 certification can be a daunting but necessary undertaking for those who want to manage risk and regulatory demands. We offer a range of consulting services to help you reduce your risks, strengthen your management system and meet your legislative requirements

ISO27001? We're Got You Covered

Implementing ISO 27001 is a difficult but necessary step for those that are concerned about their IT uptime, compliance and risk. Abattis will help ensure you have the right people in place, procedures and documentation to implement ISO 27001. And we’ll do it at a fraction of the cost and time. 


Achieving ISO27001 certification through our ISO consultancy and training services will allow you to mitigate the risk of a data breach, reduce your audit burden and improve compliance with industry regulations.
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What is ISO 27001?

ISO 27001 is a framework to help organizations develop, implement, operate and maintain an Information Security Management System that supports the organization's business goals.

Why should an organization invest in ISO27001?

The benefit of a well-designed ISO27001 implementation is that you will be able to be confident in your ability to address risk. You can optimize your business development and market opportunities without the fear of risk to your products or services.

Does ISO27001 certification mean my organization is safe?

ISO27001 certification does not guarantee safety but is a starting point for enterprise risk management. The certification validates that the organization has a well-defined and documented information security management system (ISMS) covering all five of the process components — policy, objectives, procedures, processes and organisation. More importantly, ISO 27001 provides an external validation of the seriousness with which an organization adopts an ISMS to manage their information risks.

What are the benefits of ISO27001 certification?

These benefits are that ISO27001 certification will provide a framework and policies to protect your operational data, will help achieve a level of compliance with applicable regulations, but won't stop you from innovating. Organizations can also leverage the resulting improvements in efficiency and risk management to drive sustainable and profitable growth.